Your application for the position

Deine Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für Büromanagement (m/w/d) (Ausbildungsbeginn: 01.08.2026)

Work locations

Which work locations would you like to apply for?
Gescher d.velop.Campus Gescher Am Campus 1 · DE-48712
Borken Geschäftsgebiet Borken Butenwall 57 DE-46325
Coesfeld Geschäftsgebiet Coesfeld Kupferstraße 28 DE-48653
Dülmen Geschäftsgebiet Dülmen Westring 30 DE-48249
Haltern am See Geschäftsgebiet Haltern Raiffeisenplatz 1 DE-45721
Lüdinghausen Geschäftsgebiet Lüdinghausen Wilhelmstraße 6 DE-59348
Münster Geschäftsgebiet Münster Alter Steinweg 1 DE-48143
Stadtlohn Geschäftsgebiet Stadtlohn Neutstraße 5-7 DE-48703

Personal data

Address and contact information


Your earliest possible start date

School education

Training / Studies

If you have completed or are currently completing an apprenticeship or course of study, please indicate this here. If you have completed several training/study courses, please select the one you consider most relevant to the position.

How did you find this position?


Upload your application documents here, e.g. cover letter, CV, certificates, etc.
The following documents are required:
  • letztes Schulzeugnis
  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf
  • Sonstiges
The maximum permitted file size per document is 25 MB.

Further information

Please take a moment to read our Data protection before submitting.